About the Departament
The Department of Engineering and Technology had its installation started on March 23, 2013 in accordance with Resolution No. 64/2012 of the University Council of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, in the use of its legal and statutory attributions, and Art 63 and paragraphs of the Statute of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, under the coordination of Director Marcelo Suzart de Almeida.
The creation of departament had the opinion of the Committee on Didactic, Scientific and Cultural Affairs, as well as the approval of the Plenary, unanimously, at the Ordinary Session held on December 20, 2012, aiming at the best adaptation and support to the courses of Industrial Engineering, Engineering Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering, which are under the responsibility of the Department.
The Department of Engineering and Technology was created from the separation and extinction of the Department of Engineering and Computation (DECOM), which was formed by the current Department of Engineering and Technology and Department of Computation and Electronics both linked to CEUNES. With the separation, the professors and technicals staff, as well as laboratories and properties were loaded or divided between the two departments in accordance with Articles 3, 4, 5 and 6 and Annexes I, II and III of Resolution No. 64 / 2012.
With 8 years since its creation, the departament currently has as head Teacher Keydson Quaresma Gomes and Deputy Chief Teacher Ícaro Pianca Guidolini a team of 27 effective professors and 3 technical-administrative staff, as well as 16 laboratories, attending the Engineering courses of Petroleum, Industrial Engineering and Chemical Engineering.