Chemical Engineering (http://engenhariaquimica.saomateus.ufes.br/)
The UFES Chemical Engineering course seeks to train professionals with logical, critical and creative reasoning, with an awareness of their abilities and responsibilities to act in the various activities of the industry (design, processes and production) or research. The course is offered in the daytime, being composed of ten semesters, totalizing 4,080 hours.
Petroleum Engineering (http://petroleo.ufes.br/)
With a duration of ten semesters and an offer of 50 vacancies per year, the Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate course at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) aims to train professionals at the higher level, trained to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to act in society, in general, and in the area of the Oil and Natural Gas industry. The course is recognized by the MEC and is registered in CREA.
Industrial Engineering (http://producao.saomateus.ufes.br/)
The full-time São Mateus Campus Production Engineering course embarks on the field of human potential for the training of engineers with solid technical-scientific and professional training, comprising a strong theoretical base and experimental ability, enabling its public to identify social, economic, political and cultural aspects, in line with the demands of the contemporary world of a humanistic vision and respect for the environment and ethical values.
Master in Energy (http://www.energia.ufes.br/pos-graduacao/PGEN)
The program has its headquarters in São Mateus-ES, offering the Master course in Energy since 2011 and maintains a profile of academic qualification attested by CAPES, receiving concept 3 in the last evaluation. The program has already graduated 94 masters and counts with 23 students regularly enrolled, all in the master's degree.